1. Experience sharing on a topic of "Scholarship Opportunities and Personal Research Experience", organized by the "Cambodian Research Students and Alumni in Korea, Cambodian-RSAK", [04th of Sep., 2021]


1. Experience sharing on a topic of "Sample Measurement with Vector Network Analyzer (VNA)", Cambodian RSAK, [20th of Jan., 20222]

2. Experience sharing on a topic of "Introduction to HFSS", Cambodian RSAK, [20th of Jan., 20222]

3. Experience sharing on a topic of "Impedance Matching, Cambodian RSAK, [20th of Jan., 20222]

4. Experience sharing on a topic of "HFSS Simple Patch Antenna Design - Part 1 & 2", Cambodian RSAK, [20th of Jan., 20222]

5. Experience sharing on a topic of "S-parameters Measurement of the CC-Antenna-DK2 Board", Cambodian RSAK, [24th of Sep., 2022]
