
1. L. Nov and J.-Y. Chung, "Dielectric Property Characterisation of Thin Films based on Iterative Comparisons of Full-Wave Simulations and Measurements", IET Science, Measurement & Technology, vol. 14, no. 10. pp. 992-996, Jan., 2021.

2. L. Nov, J. -Y. Chung and J. Park, "Broadband Permittivity Characterization of a Substrate Material Using Deep Neural Network Trained With Full-Wave Simulations," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 48464-48471, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3172300. 

3. T. Chrek, L. Nov, and J.-Y. Chung, "Deep Neural Network For Retrieving Material's Permittivity From S-Parameters," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 1-7, 2022. 



1.  L. Nov, J-Y. Kang, and J-Y. Chung, “Temperature dependent dielectric properties characterization of liquid using a rectangular waveguide,” 2022 International Symposium on Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Science (ISAEES 2022), Pyeongchang, Feb. 2022. (Best Paper Award - Poster Presentation)

2. L. Nov, T. Chrek, and J-Y. Chung, “Characterization of active component's properties using TRL calibrated transmission coefficient measurements,” The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science (2022 KIEES Summer Conference), Jeju Island, Aug. 2022. (Best Paper Award - Poster Presentation)

3. T. Chrek, L. Nov, and J-Y. Chung, “De-embedding of Diode's RLC values including parasitic effects at
mm Wave frequencies based on S21 data trained by DNN,” The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science (2022 KIEES Summer Conference), Jeju Island, Aug. 2022.
 (Excellent Paper Award - Oral Presentation)

4. L. Nov, T. Chrek, and J-Y Chung, "Precise Modeling of Active Component in Ka-band using Deep Neural Network Trained by S21 Data," ISAP 2022, ICC Sydney, Australia, Nov. 2022.


1. Md. I. Kamrul, C. Thorn, L. Nov and J.-Y. Chung, "Broadband Measurement of Insertion Loss and Permittivity of Flexible Copper Clad Laminated Film," 2021 한국전자파학회 추계 종합학술대회서울, Nov. 2021.

2. Md. I. Kamrul, L. Nov, C. Thorn, J.-Y. Chung, "Broadband Measurement of Insertion Loss of Film Substrate upto 100 GHz," 2021 한국전자파학회 하계종합학술대회제주, Aug. 2021.

3.   강준영, Lihour Nov, 정재영, "액체 시료의 온도에 따른 전파 물질상수 측정 연구," 2021 한국전자파학회 하계종합학술대회제주, Aug. 2021. 

4. L. Nov and J.-Y. Chung, "Permittivity Characterization using a Deep Neural Network Trained with Full-Wave Simulation Data, " 2021 한국전자파학회 동계종합학술대회여수, Feb. 2021. (Best Paper Award - Oral Presentation)


1.  L. Nov, Y.-H. Lee, and J.-Y. Chung, "Broadband Permittivity Characterization using Deep Learning Neural Network," 2020 한국전자파학회 하계종합학술대회제주, Aug. 2020. 


1.  L. Nov and J.-Y. Chung, "Dielectric constant and loss tangent estimation of thin films by an iterative comparison method," 2019 한국전자파학회 하계종합학술대회, 제주, Aug. 2019.

2. L. Nov, 심재연정재영, "Thin Film Permittivity Characterization using Grounded Coplanar Waveguide," 한국전자파학회 동계종합학술대회정선, Feb. 2019.N

Workshop Attended (The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, KIEES)


·      2022년 03 2514회 전자파 측정기술 워크숍Seoul, Republic of Korea – [Attended Online]

·      2022년 04월 22: 2022 Antenna Technology Workshop, Seoul, Republic of Korea – [Attended Online]

·      2022년 06월 0328회 전파신기술 워크숍(6G를 위한 전파신기술), Seoul, Republic of Korea - [Attended Online]


·      2021년 03월 1913회 전자파 측정기술 워크숍Seoul, Republic of Korea – [Attended Online]

·      2021년 04월 232021 안테나 기술 워크숍Seoul, Republic of Korea – [Attended Online]

·      2021년 06월 115G 혁신시대 전환을 준비하는 전파 정책 및 신기술 워크숍(26) , Seoul, Republic of Korea – [Attended Online]

·      2021년 07월 29: 2021 Radar Workshop & Tutorial, Seoul, Republic of Korea – [Attended Online]

·      2021년 11월 3027회 전파 정책 및 신기술 워크숍Seoul, Republic of Korea – [Attended Online]


·      2020 5 222020 5G 부품/항공모빌리티/바이오 전파신기술 워크숍, Seoul, Republic of Korea – [Attended Online]

·      2020년 9월 11: 2020 안테나 기술 워크숍Seoul, Republic of Korea – [Attended Online]

·      2020년 10월 23전파신산업 활성화 전파신기술 워크숍Seoul, Republic of Korea – [Attended Online]

·      November 15 – 19, 2020: 2020 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC) , Seoul, Republic of Korea – [Attended Online]
